Cleaning, decontaminating & recycling wastewater

For more than 20 years, Repãrator has provided water filtration, solids and liquids separation, and decontamination solutions to various agricultural, commercial, and industrial industries worldwide. 

Focusing on sustainability, safety and quality, we tailor wastewater treatment and transformation solutions to help industries decontaminate polluted water and waste. 

Efficient, effective, reliabile & high-quality solutions, from end to end

With expertise in water quality, disinfection, recycling, and concentrated waste management, we provide efficient and safe solutions for any industry needing to manage water, suspended solids, and dissolved solids for reuse or release.

With successful installations in Great Britain, the EU, Africa, China, and Australia, we offer quality consultation, expert advisory services, and proven patented technologies to treat regulated waste, including concerns like algae, ammonia, abattoir wastewater management, truck wash water cleaning, plastics, and more.

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